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Every Movement Counts

CPDs : 5

Engage the emerging inactive market to promote physical activity and improve your retention rates in existing fitness programmes. Learn from Dr Paul Batman in this evidence-based public healthcare programme. It is written for fitness professionals and aimed at reducing sedentary behaviour and inactivity while promoting physical activity for all people of all abilities between five and >65 years of age, regardless of gender, cultural background and socio-economic status. This online course is based on the ground-breaking World Health Organization Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines (2020).

Suggested Pre-requisite


Aims and objectives of course:

  • Attract, motivate and prescribe physical activity for inactive and sedentary populations.
  • Assess and prescribe lifestyle physical activity focusing on reducing daily sedentary time and initiating movement in the home, at work, during transport and leisure time.
  • Create a lifestyle prescription inclusive of daily physical activity that provides for greater diversity and inclusivity.
  • Introduce a workload prescription that can be met by moving at any intensity between 2-9 METs.
  • Understand the difference between sedentary behaviour and inactivity.
  • Apply Metabolic Equivalents as a legitimate method of monitoring intensity.

On completion you will be able to:

  • Understand the difference between sedentary behaviour and inactivity
  • Apply Metabolic Equivalents as a legitimate method of monitoring intensity
  • Engage the emerging inactive market to promote physical activity
  • Improve retention rates in existing fitness programs.


Wendy Richmond, BSc, MSpSc, Cert IV Training and Assessment. Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Lifestyle Educator, Wellness Coach.

“Society has embraced the gym and the fitness revolution, but in doing so we have forgotten about moving for everyday activities. The world has become increasingly sedentary and, in doing so, health and waistlines have suffered. The Every Movement Counts/NEAT Fit programme is excellent for all populations; it introduces users to a more sustainable active way of living, that ultimately results in much improved metabolic health and improved weight management. Dr Paul has created a revolutionary method for increasing physical activity to a much broader demographic that can be maintained for life.”

Vanessa Porter M Clinical Ex Phys, BSpSc, Dip Hlth Sc, Cert IV TAA Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

“As an accredited exercise physiologist, I am always looking for new ways to get inactive people moving. The NEAT Fit model is unique in its approach to initially reducing people’s sedentary time and then funnelling them into a more formal fitness programme. This is the first model I have seen that provides comprehensive user-friendly audio lectures and quality evidence-based written materials to educate the user about sedentary behaviour and then promotes strategies to replace inactive periods with active alternatives. This programme could be a ‘game changer’ in promoting physical activity in a different way to the historical more formal exercise prescription on which we base many of our exercise decisions.”

Paul Watson MEd (Sports Coaching), BSpSc, Diploma of Education (HPER), Ass Dip Sports Coaching. Exercise Physiologist, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach to the Cronulla Sharks, Rugby League Club, London Broncos Rugby League Club, Huddersfield Giants Rugby League Club, Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club.

“Every once in a while, someone puts together a ground-breaking review of all the scientific literature and studies available. Dr Batman is the new superhero of physical activity for not only an ageing population but also a growing sedentary one. We have to rethink our ideas of fitness and health and start living again like our grandparents did, not only for the health and wellness reasons, but also to change the future of our planet. ‘Sitting is indeed the new smoking’ and rethinking our lifestyle choices is critical to our future health and wellness. This is not just about individuals, but communities, workplace and social interactions need to be rethought and addressed into non-sedentary living. NEAT has benefits that remedy many of these modern afflictions! This course is the first significant step in addressing our current social problems and is the frontrunner for future change!”

Martha Lourey-Bird MSpSc, BSpSc. Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health and Community, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales.

“The NEAT Fit concept is excellent as is the core message that ‘being sedentary is not the same as not exercising’. It seems a far more sustainable approach than the current physical activity recommendations. I also love the personal stories throughout and how relatable the content is. The case studies are very helpful too. The content is of course incredibly comprehensive. The audio PowerPoint lectures are amazing – so comprehensive, organised and informative. I found it all extremely easy to navigate and the progression from each module was very clear. A wonderful programme that should be compulsory in all exercise science and fitness curriculums.”

Richard Boyd, B. Leisure Studies, Global Fitness Influencer, Creator of PTontheNet.

“The Every Movement Counts/NEAT Fit model is an extensive evidence-based physical activity programme that reduces daily sedentary time as the main intervention mode for increasing physical activity. This is a very different approach to the formal fitness programmes offered throughout our industry. It provides sedentary groups with a sustainable alternative that focuses on opportunities to move in the home, during transport, workplace and leisure time. Its unique presentation is complemented by comprehensive lecture notes, research articles, ‘easy to listen’ audio slides and follows a systematic approach that unfolds information as the learner progresses through the units. I would recommend this programme to any allied health professional and fitness professional looking to attract and motivate the increasing number of sedentary people in our community.”

Dan Djoeandy, BEd, Former CEO Fitness Industry Association (Australia), Australia and Asia International Sales Manager, Exercise and Fitness Equipment.

"I have worked with Dr Paul for the past 30 years on all manner of fitness projects for both public and private organisations. I think the NEAT Fit Coaching programme is Dr Paul's finest research project. It is meticulously researched, well written with evidence-based materials and presented in a user-friendly format that leads the student in a progressive manner. If the health and fitness industry is to take control of reducing sedentary behaviours, the Every Movement Counts model should be a prerequisite for any fitness training programme or public health programme."

Dr Gail Trapp, PhD, MSpSc (Hons), BSpSc., Senior Lecturer in Clinical Physiology, Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

"As is always the case when Dr Paul Batman engages in any project, this Every Movement Counts/NEAT Fit course is excellent and long overdue for our industry. It is thorough, logical and creates an enjoyable experience listening to the extensive lectures, reading the vast accompanying lecture notes and completing all activities. The Every Movement Counts/NEAT Fit programme should be a compulsory addition to any allied health professional and fitness professional’s CV."

Author Bio

  • Dr Paul Batman

    Dr. Paul Batman has worked in health, fitness and sport for over 40 years. Originally a Physical Education teacher and then an Academic lecturing in Exercise Science at Australian Universities for over 20 years and for the last 18 years as owner and operator of two successful Registered Training Organisations (Fitness Institute Australia and Australian College) specializing in developing and delivering vocational educational courses in health, fitness and sport to thousands of fitness professionals. Paul received his Diploma of Physical Education from Australian College of Physical Education, Diploma of Education from Hawthorn State College, BSc and MSc from the University of Oregon (USA) and a PhD from the University of New South Wales. For over 25 years Paul has presented at international conventions in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Singapore and Malaysia and conducted lectures, workshops and in house presentations in many countries throughout the world. In 2012 Paul was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for his services to the Australian Fitness Industry, inducted into the Australian College of Physical Education Hall of Fame and recognized as an Institute Scholar at the International Institute for Sport and Human Performance, University of Oregon. Paul has written over a hundred articles on all aspects health and fitness and authored or co-authored 10 books.