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Antenatal Core Training

CPDs : 3.5

Want to help female clients with their journey through pregnancy? Antenatal Core Training is targeted at fitness professionals who want to train women during their pregnancy. You’ll learn how to provide specific attention to the abdominal wall, the pelvic floor, and back and posture changes which occur during pregnancy, as part of a whole training programme.

Content covered in the course will help you to apply principles to minimise injury and maximise the performance of your clients who are pregnant.

Suggested Pre-requisite:


Course outcomes

  • Understand the basic physical changes of pregnancy that impact the pregnant core.
  • Have an understanding of postural changes that occur during pregnancy.
  • Be able to include safe and effective postural and back care exercises when training pregnant clients.
  • Know how the pelvic floor is affected by pregnancy and birth.
  • Know how to include pelvic floor exercises into a pregnancy fitness programme.
  • Understand how to protect the pelvic floor during pregnancy exercise prescription.
  • Understand how to teach pregnancy abdominal bracing in different positions.
  • Have an understanding of what an abdominal muscle diastasis is and how to screen for it during pregnancy.
  • Understand how to modify exercises during pregnancy to reduce strain on an abdominal muscle diastasis.
  • Have ideas on how to prepare your pregnant client for the early postnatal weeks.
  • Be aware of your role in helping your pregnant clients understand why some exercises need modifying to reduce their risk of developing longer term problems.
  • Be aware of risk factors and physical problems which require referral to a pelvic health physiotherapist or medical professional.

Author Bio

  • Dianne Edmonds

    Dianne Edmonds is an Australian physiotherapist with over 30 years of experience with pregnancy, postnatal and pelvic floor education, treatment and fitness programs. She contributed to the development of the AusActive Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise Guidelines as a member of the expert reference group. Dianne was the lead physiotherapist and project officer for the Pelvic Floor First project campaign, run by the Continence Foundation of Australia and is a Pelvic Floor First Ambassador. Dianne is the Director and founder of The Pregnancy Centre, and hosts The Running to the Core Podcast, which explores areas affecting women’s return to fitness and running postnatally. After working in an Obstetric GP Practice for the past ten years, Dianne now works at Mandurah Pelvic Health, a private physiotherapy practice.