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Drum roll please (thank you!) … Here at FitPro HQ we are celebrating and revelling in the news we have been awarded the highest grade possible from CIMSPA when it comes to the quality of the education we offer to you, our valued and much-loved fitness community.

Yes, our education is of such great quality that CIMSPA has given us the top quality assurance rating it has the power to deliver – the Enhancing rating – and we are singing it from the rooftops! So, if you haven’t checked out our education programmes yet, now is a great time to head on over to to see what all the fuss is about and sign up to your first one. If you’re already on board with all the fabulousness we have to offer – thank you!

What’s all the fuss about?

So, CIMSPA recently introduced a new quality assurance framework for its education partners to instil confidence in the credentials of each education offering for professionals working in the sport and physical activity sector.

Here’s the lowdown from CIMSPA:

“The new framework allows those looking for a course to check providers ahead of signing up to ensure that it meets CIMSPA’s quality standards, and reassures you that the product aligns to the standards in the sector. With an increasing number of professionals and employers only using CIMSPA-endorsed training, this gives a ‘stamp of approval’ for the training offer.

“Our reviews are based on supplied evidence and evaluated against our framework, supported by our policies, procedures and relevant legislation. A provider’s rating will be based on the following principles: Quality of education provision; Learner journey; Marketing and promotion.

What does each rating mean?

There are three outcomes that a CIMSPA education partner can receive and FitPro has been awarded the Enhancing rating. This means we have evidenced best practice and are seen to be offering the highest quality provision to our learners. The other two ratings are Enabling (some good practice with minimal areas for development) and Emerging (has met the minimum operating standards required but must complete key actions to ensure adherence to CIMSPA standards).





CIMSPA will be sharing all its education partners’ ratings publicly soon.

More about CIMSPA 

CIMSPA, which stands for the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity, is a professional membership organisation that plays a significant role in promoting continuing professional development (CPD) within the sports and physical activity industry. CIMSPA creates the professional standards for each job role within the sector which outline the knowledge, skills and behaviours required in order to be qualified and competent within that role. Members of CIMSPA are required to complete 10 points of CPD per membership subscription year. This CPD should be appropriate and relevant to your job role category, and it should support you in maintaining or upgrading your professional status. As part of FitPro’s commitment to offering world-class education, we offer endorsed courses by CIMSPA created by industry leaders that give you valuable CPD points.

How do I claim my CPD points?

So, let’s now look at how you can claim your points when you earn them.

On completion of your FitPro course, you will receive a certificate that you can submit as evidence to CIMSPA and claim your CPD points to enable you to continue your professional membership and elevate your career.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is paramount in the fitness industry, as it enables trainers and instructors to stay ahead in a field marked by ever-evolving techniques, technologies and client expectations. Through CPD, fitness professionals continually enhance their skill sets, from mastering new workout methodologies to refining communication and motivational techniques, specialising in a particular population and ensuring they remain competitive and effective in their roles. CPD also opens doors to career progression, demonstrating a commitment to excellence that resonates with employers and clients alike. By staying updated with the latest fitness trends and best practices, CPD ensures trainers maintain relevance and credibility, fostering trust and loyalty among their clientele. Additionally, many fitness certifications and memberships require CPD as part of their renewal criteria, emphasising its importance in meeting industry standards.

Beyond professional obligations, CPD offers personal fulfilment, enabling fitness professionals to pursue their passion while expanding their networks and collaborating with peers. In essence, CPD is indispensable for fitness professionals striving for ongoing success, impact and innovation in their career.

If you have ever done or looked at the FitPro courses, you may have seen a logo similar to the one below.

This logo is awarded by CIMSPA to show that the course has been endorsed. The points awarded to each course depend on a few different factors, such as whether the course has been mapped to a CIMSPA professional standard and the length of the course. You can see a full breakdown of the CIMSPA CPD policy here.

To see a full list of FitPro-endorsed CPD, you can visit the CIMSPA directory.