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As we celebrate the launch of the new FitPro Travel Insurance offering, we’ve asked Mark Fisher (Director at FitPro Insurance Services) to help us understand a bit more about some of the benefits.

FitPro: What’s so special about the new FitPro Travel Insurance?

Mark Fisher: We’ve tried to create an offering which really works for the FitPro community. It not only provides great cover for all your holidays, but you can also extend your policy to include travelling to run retreats (either here in the UK or overseas).

FP: What else? Anything nice?

MF: How about lounge access if you get delayed at an airport for more than 90mins?! Just make sure you register your flight 24 hours before you fly, and if Eyjafjallajökull erupts again … voila.

(Please note that lounge access is not available at all airports; there is a cash benefit of £25 if a lounge isn’t available.)

FP: Oh, it almost makes me want my flight to be delayed. Could I get that sort of information before I go?

MF: Actually, you can. Through the 360 Assistance service, provided with your policy, you can get information on the medical, political and security situation in most countries around the world, including vaccination requirements. You can also get contact details for consulates, medical facilities and other useful information. And you can set up alerts for the country(ies) you’re going to.

FP: Amazing – so if I’m running a retreat somewhere nice and warm, I’d be able to share some of this information with the attendees?

MF: Absolutely. You could use the information on 360 Assistance to create a helpful document to complement your retreat package. And, through your alerts, keep them up to date on any issues that might arise.

FP: I can see that would be genuinely helpful. For retreats, what do you cover?

MF: Basically, most travel insurance policies only cover you when you’re going on your holidays, and would consider hosting a retreat as a business trip and, as such, exclude them. We’ve created an add-on which gives you all the benefits of the policy even when you’re running a retreat.

FP: Interesting! Is that all? 

MF: Nope; we will also cover any equipment you take with you and, should you not be able to attend the retreat, we will cover the cost of replacing you with another appropriately qualified instructor.

FP: What a great idea! Where do I sign up?

MF: Simple, just click here!

FP: Finally, are you going Anywhere Nice For Your Hols?

MF: Yes indeed! Returning to Madeira for some late summer sun.

*Please see the policy wording for full terms and conditions.

So, to paraphrase Lao Tzu, as every voyage begins with a first step, here at FitPro Insurance Services we have begun our journey. With our aim of helping members with any of their insurance needs (both personal and business), we will be announcing new products in the near future. Though, as most journeys are better enjoyed when travelling with company, we would love to hear from our members about what you need from your insurance team. Contact us at