Due to popular demand, FitPro director, Jane Waller, is once again chatting to Dianne Edmonds about pregnancy and fitness.
This time, they are talking specifically about the benefits of aqua-based classes and sessions. Dianne will discuss the main benefits as well as safety considerations and warning signs, and will also focus on the core and breathing.
Some of the key take-home comments from the podcast are as follows:
“Exercising in the water will allow women to gain the benefits of regular pregnancy exercise; it is fun and social and, as the water supports their belly, they can really enjoy the effect of that support, especially during the later stages of pregnancy.”
“There is freedom of movement in the water and flexibility options that they don’t have on land.”
“In the water, it can be easy to use the upper abdominal wall a lot, so varying movement patterns is important.”
To listen to the podcast, click HERE