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You’re doing a great job, helping your clients to be the best version of themselves by living a fitter, healthier and happier life – but things sometimes go wrong! Here are some simple ways to make sure you avoid any unnecessary accidents.

Do a health and safety check

We all know how much we have on our minds when we’re planning and preparing for a class or a session – with real people involved, it is sometimes easy to miss the obvious risks and dangers. This simple guide with key reminders will help keep you and your clients protected.

Remember: Fit pros have a fundamental duty of care to their clients and participants to ensure that appropriate health and safety measures are met.

A health and safety checklist should be part of your pre-class/session routine to prevent any injuries from happening, to include trips, slips and falls, and aid in the avoidance of injury.

Always check:

  • Is there sufficient heating/air conditioning and is your space at an ambient temperature?
  • How is the lighting and general visibility?
  • Is there sufficient space to exercise without obstacles or obstructions?
  • Is your equipment safe to use? Do you need to remove any defective equipment prior to starting your class?

Tip: Make it easy for yourself by creating your essential checklist on your phone using a checklist or habit app – try Google Keep or Habitify.

First aid matters

As well as being competent and able to identify and resolve any potential health and safety hazards prior to exercise, you should always check that first aid certificates (including CPR) are up to date, meaning you can effectively handle any first aid emergency.

Tip: Keep a reminder for when your First Aid Certification update is due on your mobile device and make sure you have your certificate handy or on the wall if you have your own studio.

Working with specialist populations

Whether targeting niche markets or specialist populations – from mother and baby classes to older adults or individuals with specific health-related conditions – it is important to continue your professional development and stay up to date with the latest research and industry developments. (Check out the FitPro Training and Education Platform for a guide to training special populations.)

Contact FitPro for details of additional activity insurance cover for specialist population groups. Find out more here.

Prevention in fitness

Having insurance is important to protect against unexpected injuries to clients or participants so, if the worst happens, you can rest assured that you’re covered. For more information about protection we can offer, check out

Bonus extras for your professional toolkit

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