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James Luscombe, founder of Study Active, talks about the UK PT problem. There are amazing PTs and educators striving for excellence out there, but there is a perception that the quality of PTs and education providers is not consistently good and that standards are dropping. Join James and FitPro’s Teresa Wheatley in conversation where they discuss:

  • Where are the problems in UK PT quality and education?
  • What does quality provision in our industry look like?
  • What solutions have you found by managing quality? Do you think everyone has the same level of care on this?
  • There are providers who are trying their best but perhaps missing the mark – how would they know what to improve on and where would they turn to get support and or guidance?
  • Many people seem quick to remark on standards dropping or remaining static. It’s easy to comment on the industry in a negative way – like its other people’s responsibility (not ours) but shouldn’t we be in this together? How can we collectively improve and not drag others down?
  • What are some strategies you guys use that might be impactful for others to know about?
  • Are there areas you see that need improvement straight away – if you had a magic wand what would you deal with first?
  • What inspires you?

Watch the webcast now!

the uk pt-problem with james luscombeJames Luscombe is the founder and Managing Director of Study Active who are one of the UK’s foremost Personal Training Course providers. James is a nationally renowned  fitness education expert with many years of experience in both the fitness and education sectors.






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