Circuit training has been praised for its time efficiency and the positive impact it has on improving cardiovascular and muscular strength endurance.
Due to the short rest periods, large muscles being worked together and a combination of upper, lower and whole-body exercises, heart rates are elevated beyond recognition for the entire session. A carefully configured circuit class will allow participants to move from one station to another, without undue fatigue.
ViPR™, the functional training tool, continues to create impact within gyms and personal training groups across the UK fitness industry. Have you considered incorporating ViPR into your circuit class?
What is ViPR?
ViPR combines full-body movement with submaximal load, which allows the body to move with greater freedom compared to traditional, loaded, linear training, such as static machines. The external load of ViPR combined with the loading of our bodies (through our tissues, skeleton and nervous system) enables us to truly mimic and better execute the movements we do outside the gym environment – allowing us to move freely, to move without pain and to carry ourselves well for life’s demands.
National master trainer Aaron Barnett details a workout session for you to try that challenges the body with 3D movement. Barnett says, “My workout will certainly test your strength from every angle. Be prepared to feel muscles you’ve never felt before.”
The session
ViPR-ZIVA superset ladder session
ZIVA – big baselines for better performance.
ViPR – tweak baselines in 3D to gain the extra steps towards success.
Perform 10 reps each. Rest periods will be dictated by the individual. Aim to take roughly 20 seconds between each exercise and complete three rounds.
- Lunge Hop Tilts
- Overhead Press Prone Drags
- Squat to Trans Balance
- Row Bent-over Trans Shift
- Kettlebell Swing Alternate Side Swings/Lateral Swings
Training tips
- If space/equipment is limited, you can use one ViPR tool and a set of dumbbells to perform the same moves (due to the fact that the circuit integrates the whole body, you won’t be missing anything).
- To begin with, focus on quality of movement, then look at increasing your speed, range of motion or load.
If you’re a trainer and would like to know more about ViPR with regards to training, get in touch with ViPR at
Where to next? Enhance your workout with these medicine ball throws.
Or check out for more information about ViPR.