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Memory Skills for Exercise Professionals

CPDs : 0.5

One of the most common complaints you’ll hear from older adults is that their memory is getting worse. Often, they worry this could this be the start of something worse. In most cases, the answer is that it’s normal age-related memory loss. This course is designed for exercise professionals who work with older adults and would like to be able to answer their questions around cognitive decline and ageing.

Suggested Pre-requisite:

  • CIMSPA: L2 Gym / Group Ex

Aims and objectives of course:

This course aims to give exercise professionals the information they need to:

  • Be able to answer questions from older adults around memory loss.
  • Be able to explain why we forget.
  • Be able to explain why short-term memory in particular tends to falter.
  • Be able to explain the difference between normal age-related memory loss and dementia.
  • Give practical suggestions on how to improve memory.

Author Bio

  • Tim Webster

    Tim Webster’s community work includes mentoring the homeless in London with the Big Issue, chairing Big Brothers Big Sisters of Christchurch, helping small roadside businesses in Uganda with his microfinance company Capital for Life, and most recently founding a charitable trust in New Zealand called Exercise as Medicine NZ, which launched in 2018. Through this organisation, Tim and his wife Kris Tynan deliver targeted exercise and rehabilitation programmes to people with long-term health conditions like Parkinson’s, MS, stroke, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. With over 40 years’ experience in health and fitness, Tim is also a Justice of the Peace in New Zealand and even holds a UK private pilot’s licence.