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Alzheimer’s Fitness Specialist

CPDs : 10 (The maximum CPD points awarded by CIMSPA for any course)

Optimise the impact fitness can have on the lives of those you serve who are concerned about or diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia. This course blends current science with common sense to present cutting-edge ideas, so you can deliver fitness in specific ways that address the brain health concerns of that population.

Including specific elements in your programmes such as co-ordination, reactivity, partner interaction, attention and memory challenges – and reframing ‘dementia risk reduction’ as ‘enhancing brain health’ – presents a significant opportunity to increase public engagement. More than half (52%) of people in the UK know someone diagnosed with dementia. With many of the most significant lifestyle factors for dementia directly related to the role of fitness professionals, prepare yourself for a future featuring you at the centre of efforts to enhance the quality of life for the UK’s ageing population.

Suggested Pre-requisite:

  • CIMSPA: L2 Gym / Group Ex

Aims and objectives of course:

  • Understand brain health and dementia at a level appropriate for a fitness professional.
  • Develop an understanding of how to coach clients in the appropriate lifestyle factors most relevant to brain health and brain disease. In particular, the essential nature of creating a sense of enjoyment around healthy behaviours is emphasised.
  • Be comfortable with integrating cognitive challenge elements and social connection elements seamlessly into workout plans, including cardiovascular and strength training in both one-on-one and group formats.
  • Develop the confidence to implement the techniques equally well for those individuals directly and openly seeking brain health improvements, as well as those not actively seeking it but who may benefit from an optimised brain fitness approach.

Author Bio

  • Jonathan Ross

    Inspired by his own “800 pounds of parents” growing up, Jonathan Ross embarked on a fitness career that’s seen him win multiple awards, author the book Abs Revealed and create Funtensity™, combining brain health and fitness to make exercise fun. As a brain fitness visionary, he’s changing the future of brain health through fitness. Jonathan has an Aussie wife, a Mexican dog (with a Swedish name!) and lives in the USA. Back in the 90s, he leapt to the cutting edge – quite literally – by fully shaving his head long before the trend caught on. A former astronomer, Jonathan used to study stellar bodies. Now, you could say he builds them – in fact, he just may be the first Astro-Fitness-ist we’ve ever had!