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Breathwork for Movement

CPDs : 2.5

Breathwork is big right now, and more and more people are recognising the importance of this practice in day-to-day life. Get ahead of the curve and learn how to incorporate breathwork into your PT and group X sessions to improve your clients’ mobility.

How we breathe affects everything, from our ribcage positioning to how our ribs articulate and what state of tension the nervous system is under. Each of these elements, in turn, affects the way our body moves. The fact that our diaphragm is central to our core stability and, through fascia, is connected to our hip flexors, makes it clear the diaphragm itself will affect muscles around the pelvis.

In this course, you’ll learn all this and more to help improve the way you and your clients breathe, to change everything from hip mobility to shoulder function and the strength of the core.

Suggested Pre-requisite

  • CIMSPA: L2 Gym / Group Ex

Aims and objectives of course

  • Understand how breathing mechanics affect shoulder, spine and hip function.
  • Understand how breathing can affect flexor and extensor tone from a neurological perspective.
  • Understand the relationship the diaphragm has with its surrounding structures and how improving its function will release those areas for greater range of movement.
  • Be able to apply the principles to change the movement and mobility around the shoulders, spine and hips through specific breathing techniques.

Author Bio

  • David ‘Jacko’ Jackson

    In 2013, a traumatic brain injury and seizure on the rugby pitch forced David ‘Jacko’ Jackson to retire from professional rugby. The injury impacted negatively on his breathing patterns for years but what Jacko knows is that, if he can change his breathing patterns after his head injury, you can improve yours too, whether a result of day-to-day stress, poor habits or injury. A master instructor with the Oxygen Advantage, Jacko works with clients (including professional athletes) to improve their sporting performance, clients referred by GPs who need to address stress and anxiety issues through breathing, and everything in between. On a mission to make breathwork a normal part of our everyday lives, he even ran a 216km ultra-marathon breathing only through his nose in October 2022.